Ready, Set, Go…away MMQ! MassHealth announces the transition to a case mix acuity system for Medicaid payments.
Effective 10/1/23, MassHealth will shift to a Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0) based Medicaid reimbursement system. Management Minutes Questionnaire (MMQ) will finally be eliminated!
The Medicaid reimbursement system will be based on a Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) system and utilize the MDS 3.0 assessment as the acuity measurement tool to determine payment for MassHealth members. The time is now to have a solid plan to implement the necessary systems to ensure accurate and appropriate reimbursement throughout the entire transition.
This leaves just over six months for Massachusetts providers to develop and implement new policy and procedures to ensure accurate and appropriate reimbursement, as we simultaneously manage the MMQ process through October.
Contact Celtic today for assistance; not only are we MMQ experts, Celtic has helped providers in multiple states transition to case mix and improve capture of clinical reimbursement elements for case mix that will optimize rates. Get ready so you will be all set for MMQs to finally go away!!!
Let’s work together to develop your game plan for October 1st.