About Lauren Videtto

Celtic Presents at AAPACN 2023 Annual Conference

Celtic Consulting President and CEO, Maureen McCarthy, presented “Operationalizing Oct. 1, 2023, MDS Changes” at the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) 2023 Annual Conference in Las Vegas. Attendees had excellent questions, participated in thoughtful discussion, and left with “next steps” to modify processes for the new … Continue reading

SNF NEWS ALERT: It’s here! CMS released the draft MDS 3.0 RAI User’s Manual, effective 10/1/23

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the draft Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) User’s Manual, effective 10/1/23. This version of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual “contains substantial revisions” per CMS’s announcement, including standardized assessment items collected across post-acute care and updated language throughout to be gender neutral. Final … Continue reading

Ready, Set, Go…away MMQ! MassHealth announces the transition to a case mix acuity system for Medicaid payments.

Effective 10/1/23, MassHealth will shift to a Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0) based Medicaid reimbursement system. Management Minutes Questionnaire (MMQ) will finally be eliminated! The Medicaid reimbursement system will be based on a Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) system and utilize the MDS 3.0 assessment as the acuity measurement tool to determine payment for MassHealth … Continue reading

FY 2024 SNF VBP Program March 2023 Quarterly Reports available

How did you perform? FY 2024 SNF VBP Program March 2023 Quarterly Reports are available to download. March 2023 Interim Quarterly Confidential Feedback Reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 SNF Value Based Purchasing (VBP) program are available to download in the QIES/CASPER reporting system. Reports include interim stay-level data for the SNF 30-Day All-Cause Readmission … Continue reading

MDS Assessment Submissions Are Transitioning to iQIES Next Month

MDS assessment submissions are transitioning to iQIES next month. Crucial Points: Failure to register for a new iQIES account before the go live date will impact your ability to submit MDS records. MDS assessment submission and reporting functionality will transition to the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) on 4/17/23. The QIES Assessment Submission … Continue reading

CMS Plans Offsite MDS Audits of Schizophrenia

Providers brace for schizophrenia MDS audits; potential for Five-Star rating downgrades and Quality Measure (QM) rating suppression penalties. CMS released memo QSO-23-05-NH, addressing QM ratings based on erroneous schizophrenia coding and processes for posting citations under dispute.CMS has identified a trend of MDS coding residents as having schizophrenia, without supportive documentation. The Five-Star QM percentage … Continue reading

Kepro appeal notification process changes

Beginning next week, Kepro appeal notification process changes for post-acute care providers in 29 states. On 1/17/23, post-acute care facilities and Medicare health plans will receive notifications when a new appeal has been filed by FAX ONLY and will no longer receive phone calls for appeal notifications. Notifications will be faxed to the number used … Continue reading

CT Providers- Final CMI Resident Roster Reports Available

Connecticut Providers- Did your Case Mix index (CMI) averages hit the mark? Final Time Weighted Case Mix Index Resident Roster Reports are available to retrieve from the Myers and Stauffer portal. Celtic assists clients to identify opportunities to enhance case mix system processes. Let’s discuss options to improve capture of CMI data and increase CMI … Continue reading

SNF VBP Quarterly Reports Released

SNF VBP Quarterly Repots released; providers have a short window to submit corrections that will impact FY 2024 incentive payments. December 2022 Quarterly Confidential Feedback Reports for FY 2024 SNF VBP program are available now in QIES/CASPER. The reports released 12/1/2022 include SNF 30-Day All-Cause Readmission Measure (SNFRM) results for FY 2019, which will be … Continue reading