About Lauren Videtto

CT Providers- Preliminary Resident Roster Reports DELAYED

Breaking News for CT Providers- Preliminary Q2 2022 Resident Roster reports scheduled for release today [7/29/22] have been delayed. Providers will be notified via email when their Preliminary Resident Roster reports are available to retrieve. An updated cutoff date to submit corrections will be communicated with the notification. Follow Celtic for updates on the latest … Continue reading

Providers Get a Sneak Peek at Their Quality Measure Performance

SNF QRP Provider Preview Reports are available to view now for the October 2022 refresh. If you disagree with the quality measure results displayed in Preview Reports, you can request CMS review data used. Cutoff to view reports and request review is August 15, 2022. Data within Preview Reports includes: Quality assessment data submitted from … Continue reading

Providers, check your CASPER folders!

Today (July 13, 2022), CMS provided Non-Compliance Letters for Quality Reporting Program (QRP) requirements for CY 2021. Non-compliance will impact your FY 2023 Annual Payment Update (APU). Notifications were distributed by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and placed into CASPER folders in QIES (Hospice and SNFs) and My Reports folders in iQIES (IRFs and LTCHs). Providers … Continue reading

CMS Releases Several Updates to Surveyors

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) releases several updates to surveyors; changes will impact providers’ compliance this fall (10/24/22). Revisions from the CMS Memo (QSO-22-19-NH) include: Modifications to guidance surveyors use to identify noncompliance in key areas. Revisions to Complaint and Facility Reported Incidents (FRIs) in Chapter 5 of the State Operations Manual, … Continue reading

Stop Gains Begins 7/1/22

Today [July 1, 2022], Connecticut LTC Providers enter a new phase of the case mix system rollout, which puts limits on case mix rate financial gains (maximum $6.50/day) . Are you capturing the right data to optimize your Medicaid revenue for future payments? Celtic assists clients to identify opportunities to enhance case mix system processes. … Continue reading

CT Providers- Final Resident Roster Reports Are Available (6/10/2022)

Connecticut Providers- Are your CMI weights what you anticipated? Final Resident Roster reports are available to retrieve from the Myers and Stauffer portal. This Final Resident Roster Report determines CMI rates for payment dates 7/1-9/30/22. Celtic assists clients to identify opportunities to enhance case mix system processes. We’ve helped our clients improve capture of CMI … Continue reading

Celtic Goes to Capitol Hill

Celtic Goes to Capitol Hill– Delivers strategies to improve the current care crisis in skilled nursing and plans to prepare for future staffing needs. Maureen McCarthy, President/CEO and William McCarthy, CFO met with Joe Courtney, top aides for Richard Blumenthal, John Larson and Jim Himes, as well as others, to discuss solutions that would immediately … Continue reading