About Lauren Videtto

CT Providers: Final CMI Resident Roster Reports Available Today (3/10/22)

Connecticut Providers- Are your CMI weights what you anticipated? Final Resident Roster reports are available to retrieve from the Myers and Stauffer portal. This Final Resident Roster Report determines CMI rates for payment dates 7/1-9/30/22. Celtic assists clients to identify opportunities to enhance case mix system processes, implement best practices and have helped providers in … Continue reading

CT Providers: Preliminary Resident Roster Reports Available, 15 Days to Submit Corrections

CT Providers: Preliminary Resident Roster reports are available to retrieve from the Myers and Stauffer portal. You have until 2/15/22 to submit corrections. Are you capturing the most accurate CMI for resident care? Celtic supports our clients by identifying opportunities to optimize Case Mix system processes through analysis, targeted education and mentorship. Let’s discuss options … Continue reading

US Dept. of Health and Human Services Renews PHE Determination

Effective January 16, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services renewed the Public Health Emergency (PHE) determination. To prepare for post-pay audits, providers should ensure supportive documentation is captured when using available SNF 1135 waivers. Celtic supports its clients in our rapidly changing industry by providing mentorship on the most up-to-date information. Contact … Continue reading

Expect to see PDPM Score Changes

CMS released an updated version of the PDPM Grouper (V2.0002) which will be implemented into the MDS ASAP system on Thursday, January 6th. Notably, the update corrects NTA mappings which caused “extra” points. Celtic helps our clients navigate changes to the PDPM payment system and provides solutions to prevent or remediate drops in revenue. We’re … Continue reading

Medicare Payment Adjustments (Sequestration) Are Back Beginning April 1, 2022

Beginning April 1, 2022- Sequestration Resumes for Medicare Claims. The Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act impacts payments for all Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) claims: No payment adjustment through March 31, 2022 1% payment adjustment April 1 – June 30, 2022 2% payment adjustment beginning July 1, 2022 Celtic supports our clients by … Continue reading